The Inclusive Weekly Virtual Hangout For Learning Specialists, L&D Teams And Facilitators To Connect, Engage And Inspire.

You are passionate about learning.

You believe that learning is the key to the long term future health of organisations.

You care deeply about helping individuals, teams and the business grow by developing their capability and creating a learning culture.

You love discussing the hot most important topics that are impacting business today with fellow specialists who you can learn from and be inspired by.

You know that you have to invest in your own learning and growth so that you can continue to grow personally and professionally

You will love the Mindset Learning Hangout...

The Mindset Learning Hangout

A Weekly 60 minute virtual "hangout" hosted on zoom.

FREE to register. Join fellow learning specialists and meet to provide updates on key activities in your world, learn about what is happening in other organisations related to learning and engage in energising conversations about the hot topics of the day

The chance to meet and connect with a talented network of learning leaders. The ability to collaborate and form strong, trusted partnerships that will accelerate your ability to achieve your business and personal goals.

No commitment or membership required - simply register and we will include you in our weekly invite and add you to our What's App group.

Drop in when you can - join the conversation and meet with other like hearted learning professionals. Grab a cuppa and come and have a fun 60 minutes that will lift your energy and inspire you.

Here Is What Some Of Our Members Say...

"The Hangout is more than a weekly event. it is the opportunity to be part of a supportive and collaborative community of like minded folk! You always leave more knowledgeable having connected with a great professional network"

Jo Radley - Executive, Leadership & Team Coach, Hunt Radley Associates.

"I love a Friday when I wake up knowing I have a Learning Hangout to start the day!

You never know who will be there; old friends, new and interesting people you haven't seen for a while. Haydn in the chair, making everyone welcome and always with something interesting non case we need some stimulus. Always supportive, challenging, creative, innovative, resourceful and fun! The Hangout is essential fuel for my OD practice."

Fiona Gifford, Director and High Performance Leadership Coach, The Performance Collective

What Will You Get When You Join The Mindset Learning Hangout

Weekly LIVE Virtual session where you can connect and network with other learning professionals

Private What's App Group for Mindset Learning Members where you can share insights, ask for support and stay connected

Learning Mastermind sessions where you can bring your big questions or challenges and have input and ideas from the group to help you craft an awe-inspiring solution!

Showcase new ideas of great content - test out some of your ideas and gain important development feedback so you can enhance your final results!

Virtual round table conversations about the hot topics of the day. Bring something that is on your mind or simply join in with the topic that has everyone talking this week. Current, interesting and a great way to stay ahead of the curve.

Have fun! The Mindset Learning Hangout is a relaxed environment to chill, laugh, be creative and above all else have fun in a safe space where everyone simply enjoys connecting.

No politics, no sales pitches, so hidden agendas - just a sincere, value led space where you can come and be your wonderful, beautiful best self!

Who Is The Mindset Learning Hangout For?

  • You must be a Learning Specialist - you either work in an internal Learning or People Function or you operate as a self employed Facilitator

  • You are passionate about investing in your own personal learning and growth

  • You believe in our values of Curiosity, Kindness, Collaboration and Optimism

  • You will NOT use the Hangout as a vehicle to promote or sell your services. We are 100% cool with commercial relationships forming from connections in the group, we do not want our members being exposed to a "pitchfest"

Mindset Learning Is Sponsored By Mindset Leadership